Commercial Bakeries Corporation
Cookies (wire cut, rotary & sandwich cremes)
Toronto, Ontario
Commercial Bakeries is an industry leader in the manufacturing of private label cookies. We provide our clients with the latest in cookie products, customized to meet the requirements of your target market.
sandwich creme cookies
rotary cookies
wire-cut cookies
digestive cookies
chocolate chip
mint chocolate chip
button cookies
ginger snap
animal cookies
graham cookies
wafer cookies
Updated 10/23
- Agrifood
- Agrifood - Confectionery
- Store Location: Grocery
- Gluten-free
- Kosher
- Natural
- Non-GMO
- Organic Certified
- Free from additives
- Free from artificial colors and flavors
- Free from conservation agents / preservatives
- Diverse Suppliers
- Currently exporting to the U.S.
- Family-owned