• Retail
  • Manufacturing
  • Private Label
  • Current Exporter

Pacific Ridge Corp

Plant-based beverages, grain, protein, technology
Calgary, Alberta

Booth number: 6205

At PACRIDGE our mission is to create a fully sustainable future of vertically integrated, seed-to-shelf regenerative farming by empowering farmers and retailers with transparency and technology. With the recent addition of our True Crops app, dry fractioning and Sonic Milling, we’re committed to a sustainable and healthy seed-to-shelf future.

Updated 11/23


  • 0 - PLMA 2023
  • Agrifood
  • Agrifood - Baking
  • Agrifood - Beverage
  • Agrifood - Specialty
  • Industrial - All
  • Industrial - Alternative Protein
  • Pet
  • Store Location: Bakery
  • Store Location: Grocery
  • Store Location: Refrigerated


  • Clean Label
  • Gluten-free
  • Non-GMO


  • Fair Trade
  • Free from dairy
  • Free from nuts
  • Free from artificial colors and flavors
  • Free from conservation agents / preservatives
  • Plant-Based
  • Traceable to the field
  • Diverse Suppliers
  • Unique processing or packaging